Feed Your Brain for Memory

Have you noticed recently that you are misplacing things, misspelling or mixing up words, losing your train of thought in mid-conversation, or forgetting to do routine tasks? Do you forget where you put your keys or the name of someone you need to introduce? Now there is hope for these problems. You can adopt simple nutritional strategies to enhance your memory. Feed Your Brain for Memory from Emerging Free Associates tells you how.

Feed Your Brain for Memory is an easy-to-read book designed for adults who are beginning to notice occasional lapses in memory or difficulty concentrating in either themselves or others. In the privacy of your own home, learn how to reduce these lapses with natural foods, supplements, and daily activities. From scientific research, discover:

  • What foods to eat daily to nourish your brain
  • Which B-complex vitamins reduce depression, night wakening, and irritability
  • Why lack of water causes mental confusion, constipation, arthritis pain, and fatigue
  • How to spot over 40 symptoms of low thyroid function and its effect on memory
  • How salmon and tuna improve depression, circulation, and heart health
  • alzheimer’s, alzheimer’s disease, health nutrition, nutrition information, memory loss, brain food, short-term memory loss, brain memoryWhich prescription medications may contribute to memory loss and confusion
  • Which 8 natural supplements (including dosages) help the brain and memory
  • How physical activity helps improve your memory
  • How caffeine (in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and pain relievers) may be detrimental to the brain and body
  • Why eating protein for breakfast and lunch improves mental sharpness and concentration

Find out how natural hormone replacement, adequate sleep, mental stimulation, and meditation assist brain function. One whole chapter delivers practical tips to help you remember where you put your keys, what you went into another room to get, where you parked at the mall, and whether you locked your door. Specific tips are given for recalling names, taking prescriptions on time, tracking appointments, and even remembering what books you read or videos you rented.

What Satisfied Readers Say

This book is a roadmap of easy-to-implement steps that a lay person can use to enhance memory. F. Bredow, senior housing coordinator

I sent this book to my father-in-law, hopefully to help his wife slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. L. Tenza, realtor

After learning about the role of protein, I added it to my breakfast. I noticed that I wasn’t hungry for longer periods and could concentrate better. M. Klein, community relations manager

To see a sample page from the book, click here.

Who will benefit from Feed Your Brain for Memory: anyone who worries about his or her memory, personnel at senior care residences, health care professionals, individuals who notice the memory lapses of their loved ones, therapists, social workers, and others who wish to preserve memory in older adult clients.

About the Author: Sandy Baumann, M.S., received a Master’s Degree in biochemistry from Michigan State University. She taught biochemistry to students at Michigan colleges, directed a hospital-based health promotion program for 30,000 senior citizens, and is a health columnist for the Observer/Eccentric newspapers and Quality Lifestyle magazine.

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    Emerging Free Associates
    33230 S Manor Dr, Suite 503, Farmington MI 48336
    (248) 474-1974 E-Mail: [email protected]